Chapel Court

Chapel Court has recently renovated rooms with modern features in traditional buildings, with beautiful views of the College grounds.

Find out more about undergraduate rents and what's included for all rooms, or email with any questions.

On the College website or the YouTube app, you can click and drag the video for a 360 view of the room.

Hear from our students

  • Lewis smiling at camera.


    Human, Social, and Political Sciences

    I've thoroughly enjoyed studying Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS) at Jesus. I was nervous before I arrived, but the friendly community of students and staff immediately put me at ease. Not only is the college library a great place to study, it can also get pretty much any book for you on request! Great for a sudden wave of inspiration based on something off the reading list... Outside of academia, the college has been ramping up its connections to industry and career support, which has been invaluable in calming...

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    Human, Social, and Political Sciences
  • Photo of History of Art student


    History of Art

    History of Art at Cambridge gives you the opportunity of both broad and specific study. In the first year I studied one painting in significant detail by completing a short dissertation, while the Making and Meaning courses provided a firm background in 2000 years of art history. Spending each week on a new topic or time period, I have been surprised to develop interests in areas I had never considered before. Who knew 17th century fountains could be so interesting? For me, the most exciting aspect of History of Art...

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    History of Art
  • Photo of Architecture student



    Architecture at Cambridge is centred around studio work, where a design project is compiled into a final portfolio. My projects have varied greatly, with tutors from various architectural practices providing different insights into the design process. I have approached architecture both from the scale of the private room, investigating spaces through filmic and literary precedents, and from the scale of the city in a collaborative and realistic masterplan that takes into account socioeconomic and cultural issues within a community. The research based ethos of the department is evident in the...

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  • Photo of HSPS student


    Human, Social, and Political Sciences

    Studying Human, Social, and Political Sciences (HSPS) at Jesus is great, as the relatively large intake creates a really supportive group within College. The course itself is diverse, allowing you to study everything from power politics to the psychology of free will. Taking four subjects in part one means you gain experience of several different disciplines before deciding where to specialise.

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    Human, Social, and Political Sciences
  • Photo of Geography student



    Geography at Cambridge is a hugely diverse course, which allows you to obtain a wider grasp on the world. The knowledge and skills gained from topics within both human and physical geography can complement a huge range of jobs! My favourite topic so far has been the Earth, as I find Volcanology incredibly interesting, although Geopolitics has also caught my eye. Next term we’ll be carrying out a project on air quality, which will involve data collection and practical application of our statistics modules. When I visited Cambridge on an...

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