Jesus and the First World War
Many members of the College community went off to fight and at least 158 were killed.
For those who came back, including those whose admission to College was postponed due to their war service, life was irrevocably changed.
The Roll of Honour
The College has commemorated the First World War by publishing a profile of each man who died in the centenery month of their death. The Roll of Honour is now complete.
“The College in War Time”
In the Michaelmas 1919 edition of the College magazine, The Chanticlere, former Master Arthur Gray describes his experience of the College and Cambridge during World War I, including posting of military divisions to Cambridge, the effects of the war on the College, and feelings following the Armistice.
In remembrance
Written for Remembrance Sunday 2014, an overview of numbers who served.
The College war memorial
The background to the College memorial, written for Remembrance Sunday 2015.
Geoffrey Barham Johnson's album
Highlights from the student photograph album of Geoffrey Barham Johnson (1912).
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