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Dr Hanane Hadj-Moussa
Hanane Hadj-Moussa is a Marie-Curie Fellow exploring the relationship between metabolism and ageing. She has researched, written, and presented on metabolic regulation and is now investigating mechanisms to promote healthy ageing.
Academic interests
Hanane Hadj-Moussa's academic interests include:
- Biology of metabolic depression
- Ageing biology.
Degrees obtained
- BSc, Carleton University, Canada, 2015.
- MSc, Carleton University, Canada, 2017.
- PhD, Carleton University, Canada, 2021.
Awards and prizes
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2023.
- Governor General’s Gold Medal for Top PhD Thesis, Carleton University, 2021.
- Carleton University Biology Outstanding Thesis Excellence Award, 2021.
- NSERC PhD Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS-D), 2017.
- Ontario Graduate PhD Scholarship, 2021.
- Ontario Graduate MSc Scholarship, 2017.
- NSERC MSc Canada Graduate Scholarship, 2015.
Before coming to Cambridge, Hanane Hadj-Moussa completed her PhD at Carleton University in Canada in 2021. Her PhD work looked at elucidating the metabolic basis and non-coding RNA coordination necessary for animals to adapt to extreme environments. Hanane has worked on everything from hypoxic naked mole rats from South Africa, hibernating lemurs from Madagascar, torpid marsupials from Chile, and freeze tolerant frogs from Canada.
Hanane has published numerous scientific journal articles on the topic of metabolic regulation and has recently received a Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellowship to pursue the metabolic underpinnings of healthy ageing models at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge.
Other interests
Cycling, rock climbing, and hiking.
Department link, links and resources
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