Image of Mixed Choir singing in Backirche Arnstadt

Germany 2012

The Combined Choirs ended the 2011-12 academic year with a five-day tour of the German states of Thuringia and Saxony.

In what became a pilgrimage to cities associated with German musical legends, the Choirs performed to large audiences in Bad Lagensalza, Arnstadt, Halle (the birthplace of Handel) and Leipzig (birthplace of Richard Wagner), as well as visiting Erfurt, Eisenach (birthplace of J.S. Bach) and Weimar.

The concert programmes were themed around music from England and Germany between 1550 and 1950, including works such as Sheppard’s sublime motet Libera Nos, Praetorius’ Magnificat quinti toni, and Bach’s Singet dem Herrn BWV 225, the latter entirely without copies.

The tour culminated in two services sung in the Nikolaikirche and the Thomaskirche in Leipzig, by the Choristers and the College Choir respectively. Both of these venues were highly significant for the Choir due to the fact that Bach had been the Kantor them from 1723 until his death in 1750, during which time he had composed many of his most famous musical works (including the St Matthew Passion and the St John Passion). The combination of fine weather, numerous musical highlights and plenty of good German beer (only for the adults) made it a tour to remember.

Hear from our people

  • Ben

    Choral Scholar

    I’ve had an amazing time singing at Jesus over my four years in College. It’s been an absolutely central part of my university experience, and has helped me grow as a student, a musician, and a person. The Chapel and Choir community is friendly, supportive, and diverse, and the high musical standard means that singing at Jesus is the perfect balance of challenging and rewarding. It’s a great way to be really involved with college life, from matriculation evensong at the start of the year to graduation at the end...

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    Choral Scholar
  • Matthew

    Choral Scholar

    Singing at Jesus has been a highlight of my time at university so far, because I have the privilege of singing amazing choral music with other passionate and talented singers. As a member of the College Choir and the Lower Voices, I have the opportunity to sing with our women undergraduates in the College Choir and also with the boy choristers in the Chapel Choir, which offers valuable exposure to some great repertoire. I’ve taken part in some really exciting projects despite COVID disruption, with highlights including three performances of...

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    Choral Scholar
  • Luis

    Chapel clerk

    My time in Cambridge has been full of exciting moments, good memories, and amazing people. When I first embarked on postgraduate studies, I never imagined I would be becoming part of the Chapel community at Jesus College. However, after my first attendance to an evensong I decided I wanted to take an active role in what for me was a complete new experience; even when I had always been an active member of my church back at home, Jesus College Chapel was an enthralling environment in which other people like...

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    Chapel clerk