Image of Mo Gawdat Book Cover

Finding Silver Linings in the Face of Crisis with Mo Gawdat

21 October 2020 18.00
Add to Calendar21/10/2020 18:0021/10/2020 18:00Europe/LondonFinding Silver Linings in the Face of Crisis with Mo Gawdat, by ticket.falseDD/MM/YYYY15Jesus Collegeevent_10761confirmed
Online, by ticket.

We all want to be happy, but life can be hard. What can we do to stay positive and find hope even in the face of loss and adversity? 

As Chief Business Officer at Google X, Mo Gawdat developed “moonshot” ideas to help make the world a better place. Following the tragic death of his son Ali, Mo began a mission to help people become happier. Mo is the author of the international best-selling book Solve for Happy: Engineering Your Path to Joy. He was previously Chief Business Officer at Google X.

Building on many years of research, Mo developed an algorithm for happiness, which was put to the ultimate test when he tragically lost his son Ali due to a surgical procedure which went wrong. Mo is now on a personal moonshot mission - to bring happiness to people all around the world via his #onebillionhappy campaign.

At this unique event, Mo will reflect on the challenges facing our world and share his secrets for finding silver linings even in a crisis. Mo has discovered that happiness follows a predictable equation and has distilled this into practical actions which are relevant to all of us.

You can find Mo's podcast here and find out more about his book at his website.

This event is co-hosted by the Intellectual Forum at Jesus College, Cambridge, and ThinkLab, University of Cambridge and tickets are available for free on Eventbrite: