Have you seen wildlife at Jesus College?
Cambridge Colleges are being encouraged to participate in the University’s Biodiversity Plan by recording their wildlife.
Those spotting Jesus College’s foxes, voles, bird and insect life and more can now record their sightings with iRecord. All entries are reviewed by experts before becoming part of a large collection of records which are used to support research and decision-making. iRecord is operated by the Biological Records Centre as part of the work of the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology.
Quincentenary Librarian Rhona Watson, who has set up the Jesus College Wildlife Recording group on iRecord said: “All wildlife records are useful and citizen science is being seen as increasingly important in recording biodiversity. Please consider submitting wildlife records – one warning, it can get addictive!”
How to record wildlife at Jesus College:
- Download the iRecord App or visit the website.
- Create an account
- Choose ‘Activities’ from the top panel – and select Jesus College Cambridge Wildlife Recording
- Take a wildlife photograph and try to identify the species, and submit it to iRecord
- Your location should be ‘Jesus College, Cambridge’ if you are on the main site, if not, then please choose a description like ‘Malcolm Street, Cambridge’ to describe where you saw the wildlife
A video guide to using the iRecord (by the Museum of Zoology Cambridge) is available on youtube.